Making Friendship Bracelets ~ CHH 2024

Hello friends!

Welcome to Camp Happy Heart 2024! I hope you’re excited.

Firstly, I haven’t talked much about CHH this year, so you might not know what to expect. I usually post every weekday in June and July for camp, but obviously I’m not doing that this year. I want to explore other opportunities this summer, both blog wise and outside of blogging. The past two years of CHH were creatively draining, so I knew I wasn’t going to continue CHH in its past capacity. Still, I didn’t want to abandon Camp Happy Heart altogether! I settled on a weeklong event. So that’s what’s up this summer! This week, you guys will see 7-8 Camp Happy Heart related posts, starting with today’s photoshoot.

I hope you guys like Camp Happy Heart week!


Cornelia, Swirl, and Cali are participating in a time-honored camp tradition – making friendship bracelets.

It looks like they’re having a good time. Let’s ask them about their bracelets!


Cornelia, why did you pick those colors?

“Well, they remind me of Taylor Swift’s Lover album. I like that color scheme, so I found some threads that matched. I’m going to keep this bracelet, but I want to make some bracelets later that I’ll give to my friends.”

That sounds lovely, Cornelia.


What about you, Swirl?

“I’m making this for my sister. I hope she likes these shades of blue!”

I’m sure she’ll love any bracelet you make for her.



“I picked colors that reminded me of a watermelon. I was remembering the year we had a watermelon color scheme for camp.”

Oh, that was a fun year! Are you keeping the bracelet?

“Actually, I want to give it to my cousin Sparkles. She’s my bestie!”


It looks like these three are done with their bracelets.


“Taylor was right when she told us to make friendship bracelets – it’s really fun!”


“Swirl, this is so nice of you! Thank you!”

“Anything for my favorite big sister.”


“I made you this bracelet,”

“Aww, thanks, Cali! I want to make you one now.”


The girls had so much fun making friendship bracelets today, and I’m sure they’ll make some more ASAP.

Are you excited about Camp Happy Heart week? Is there anything you’re hoping to see from BABF this summer? Have you ever made friendship bracelets?

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