How Fast the Night Changes~ A Mischief and Sparkles Photostory ~ CHH 2024

Hello friends!

I hope you’ve enjoyed our Camp Happy Heart week so far. Today, I’ve got one final post of CHH 2024.

I always enjoy writing photo stories about Mischief and Sparkles. They always end up being conversational, and oddly more emotional than I expect them to be. In today’s photo story, the siblings chat about this year’s Camp Happy Heart, and specifically how it compares to past years. I hope you enjoy reading, and I think it’s a rather fitting end to this year’s camp.


It’s strange being here at camp, but only for a week. I hadn’t realized how integral a role Camp Happy Heart had played into my summers until it was announced that the camp would only run for a week, rather than the typical two months.

I still enjoy the activities, but it’s disheartening to compare a week’s worth of fun with two months.


“How are you enjoying camp so far?” Mischief asks.

I shrug. “It’s fun. But different.”

Mischief nods.


“I wish we were here all summer. I hate how as we grow older, everything seems to change.”


“I know. I only have a limited time to play the pranks I’ve spent all year planning!”


I roll my eyes at my brother. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”


“I do wish there was more time to get to know our new friends. But also, we do have more time at home this summer. It will be nice to spend part of our summer at home. Mom will be glad about that. And shockingly enough, I even sort of miss Andy.” Mischief spins our reality into a positive one.


I consider him. I do miss my parents, and it will be nice to experience a summer without the structure of Camp Happy Heart. But I can’t help but worry about another possibility. “I know Camp Happy Heart has been shortened due to lack of resources to run camp for two months. This year we get a week, but what about next year? What if we don’t even get that?”


Mischief shrugs. “Then we’ll figure out another way to spend our summer. Maybe we can backpack across Europe!”


I manage a slight chuckle at his prediction. Though a part of me wanted him to blindly continue the platitude that ‘everything will be okay,’ I also appreciate his honesty. We don’t know if Camp Happy Heart will continue next year, but I’d rather have time to prepare for that possibility than be blindsided by it. Mischief is right by saying that something fun will take the place of Camp Happy Heart if it doesn’t continue.

“It won’t be the same without camp. It’s not even the same this year.”


Mischief shrugs. A yearning expression twists his features. “I think that’s the case no matter what changes. We can’t get back the present moment, no matter how hard we try to recreate it.”


I think of all the highlights of past years’ camps. Mischief and I had been coming to camp since the year it was established, 2019, so my memories were filled to the brim with happy moments at camp. That first year, camp had lasted for a full three months. Being the first year of camp, it wasn’t perfect. There were a lot of things that needed refining, and 2019 may have been the most disorganized year of camp. But amidst the chaos, there were memories I wouldn’t trade for the world. We went hiking, swimming, and enjoyed each week’s theme. Fairytale week was particularly fun, but fashion week was a hit as well. And of course, I couldn’t forget our BAB band week which kicked off our annual tradition of putting on a band performance at camp. Things didn’t always run smoothly, but it was wonderful to be a part of the inaugural CHH. Each year, camp continued to be a bright spot in my life. Mischief always played his share of pranks, which was fun to watch. I enjoyed trying new things, such as horseback riding, starring in a play, and participating in a bake-off. In my heart, I know that Camp Happy Heart isn’t always going to be a part of my summers, but that doesn’t mean I can’t cherish the memories. No matter how many years pass, I know camp will always hold a special place in my heart.


“You’re right Mischief,” I mumble.


He holds his hand to his ear, as if he didn’t hear me.


“I said, you’re right,” I say, slightly louder, “We may never be able to get back the present moment. But that doesn’t mean we lose it. All the fantastic memories of past years of camp are with me, and they’ll stay with me forever. Any further memories we make will stay with me too. But even if Camp Happy Heart doesn’t continue next year, I think the memories will be enough.”


Mischief meets my eyes with a solemn smile. “I’m sure they will.”

This story was cathartic for me to write. Most of the emotions Sparkles is dealing with are similar to my own. Camp Happy Heart and this blog are changing, and while I miss the old days, I can’t get them back. I’m grateful for my memories, and even if Camp Happy Heart doesn’t return next year, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. My inspiration for Camp Happy Heart hasn’t been prominent for the past three years, so maybe it is time to move on to new projects next summer. Or, maybe I’ll be ready to make next summer’s CHH the best one yet! You never know. I’m excited to find out what the future holds.

No matter what next year looks like, I think today’s post is a very fitting way to end Camp Happy Heart 2024. I hope you had a great week along with me this week, and if I don’t end up doing this whole thing next summer…we’ve made some great memories.

See you tomorrow for a return to our weekly schedule!

3 thoughts on “How Fast the Night Changes~ A Mischief and Sparkles Photostory ~ CHH 2024

  1. I love how you make your bears more dimensional and varied than some book characters, haha! Mischief is so sweet and I’m glad Sparkles (and you) are feeling good about CHH!

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