Back In The Day Preview

Hello friends!

I hope you enjoyed Camp Happy Heart this past week. It’s been a bit strange for me to only have a week’s worth of posts for camp, but I’ve enjoyed the flexibility to plan other things for this blog this summer.

One of the things I’m excited to share with you all this summer is Back in the Day! I sort of posted a preview of it here, if you want to get a feel for what the series will be like. I’ve been hard at work rewriting season one and polishing it to my liking. I won’t guarantee a premiere date just yet, but I am hoping you guys will see this relatively soon. I’m thinking sometime in July.

However, I can go ahead and share the trailer/intro video I made! I really like the way this looks, so I hope you guys do too!

Looks like it’s shaping up to be quite a cool series, eh?

I hope you like Back in the Day once I share it with y’all! I’ll see you next week!

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