Adventures at Grandma’s House…

Hey guys! Today I have a post for you about my most recent trip to my grandparents’ house. I had a lot of fun, and so did the Stones! I’m going to share some pictures from their trip.

First, the bears took portraits by the lovely Fall decor.

Also, we were there for Halloween, so there was also some lovely Halloween decorations.

After the bears were done posing for pictures, they all went off to do their own thing. Mommy decided to cook a little something.

Candy and Cherie decided to make some cards.

Mischief and Cloud played some version of pool?

Cherry decided to watch a movie on TV.

Sparkles sat by our dog, Chap.

Cali gazed out the window, longing to go for a swim. Sadly, it was much to cold in November to go swimming.

All the kids stared out the window.

The kids all sat in a spinning chair, eager to have some fun.

Spinning around was fun, until…

Mischief fell off!

Maybe spinning on a chair was a bit dangerous. The kids stopped after that. They didn’t do all that much the rest of the trip.

The Stones had a great time on their trip! I hope you enjoyed reading this!

14 thoughts on “Adventures at Grandma’s House…

          1. Just curious! It’s a Google chat available to those who use gmail addresses. That’s usually how I keep up with chatting to my online friends. If you ever get a Google account, I’d love to chat on there!

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