Bullet Journal? (Trying New Things Tuesday ~ BAB Takeover Week January 2019) + Liebester Award, amongst other things

Hey guys. Before I formally begin this post, I’d like to apologize for the state of my blog recently. It’s kind of been under construction(pages are being changed, I’m adding tags, coming up with new posts, etc.) so I haven’t been sticking to my blogging schedule. Even though I haven’t shared my schedule with you all, I still feel kind of bad. First I missed this post(supposed to be posted on January 8th), then I missed a photoshoot the other day(I’m going to post it next month) and I also haven’t worked at all on a post I was originally going to post tomorrow. I’m trying to catch up, so this post will kind of take care of a few things. Also, Jewel, of treasuredscript.com has nominated me for the Liebester Award! Thank you Jewel, I will be doing that at the end of this post.

Ok, so let’s start the very first Trying New Things Tuesday!

(I’m taking over this one apparently, the Build a Bears are busy)

We will be looking at something I’ve only recently started, a bullet journal. I’d toyed with the idea, but I didn’t really want to spend $20+ on a notebook for something I might not use(I’m good at filling up notebooks with stories, but not about myself) since I’ve hardly ever filled up a journal in my life. However, when I saw dotted journals for only $5 at Michaels, I decided to give it a try. Most people say a bullet journal is more of a planner, but I use it as a planner and a journal. It’s been very effective for me so far, and I’m proud to say that I’ve written in it every day this year. Let’s look at some of my supplies now:

Stamps, Ink, and Post-Its

I like stamps because they’re almost as cute as stickers, but they can also be used more than once. Ink is an obvious thing to have if you use stamps, and Post-Its are just great if you need to jot something down temporarily.

My Journal

In order to have a bullet journal, everyone will need a notebook of some sort. I like this cheap option I got from Michaels.

Pens and scissors

I use a lot of pens. Sharpies, mechanical pencils, and Papermate Ink Joy gel pens are some of my favorites, but my absolute favorite is…

The Uni-Ball Signo 207

I love these little pens. They are pretty cheap(less than a dollar per pen at Wal-mart) and they are comfortable to write with. I write a lot, and often my hands get cramped, these pens are much easier to write with. Plus, they have a really nice flow.


As always, stickers are fun ways to motivate you each day. They look nice, and you can use them however you like.

Washi Tape – Need I say more?

Highlighters are good for decorating, highlighting a task of importance, or traking habits.

Now, let’s look at a few pages from my journal.

This is the front page.
It’s kind of hard to see the pretty gold color, but it says 2019.
I have an index to keep track of where things are.
My key. Nothing special here.
Here I have an overview and my year in pixels. I like that because I can track my moods.
Then, I have priorities and New Years Resolutions. I wrote on washi tape for my prioities, so it’s easy for me to swap things around.
I have a list of special occassions and planned vacations.
I like this part of my travel page.
Then, I have a movie release page and a seasons page.
I used two pages for things that make me happy. I’m hoping to fill this up by the end of the year.
I also have some chore type pages.
I’ve got a wish list and gift page.
Here’s my Washi Tape Collection. I like how this page turned out.
My January title page! The gold is the same as the front, it’s kind of hard to see again.
I have an overview and a to-do page. I changed both of these for next month.
I have a habit tracker and a blogging page.
A meal planner and gratitude log.
I left a few pages for journaling, but I went ahead and started planning February. Here’s my title page.
My goals and meal plans.
A monthly overview.
I want to try to keep track of the weather! I also edited my habit tracker.
My gratitude log(I kind of messed up on it) and my blog page.

What do you think of my bullet journal? I left out all my journal entries and a few other personal pages, but I’m actually a little proud of my bullet journal.

Onto the Liebester Award

The Rules: 

  1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you for this award.
  2. Answer 11 questions the blogger gave you.
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 11 blogs.
  5. Notify them.
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Thank you so much Jewel! Everyone, please go to http://treasuredscript.com to check out her amazing blog!

The Questions

What do you want to accomplish by your next Birthday?

Uh, my birthday is in less than a month, so I don’t have too much planned. I would like to finish copying my novel onto paper, write a couple stories, catch up on blogging, go on vacation, and finish my personal progress. (It’s something I do for church)

What needs to be invented that has not been invented yet?

I don’t think this will ever be invented, but I wish there was a way to teleport places. Or maybe a way to have your thoughts just appear on paper.

What is your favorite song?

Ugh, my favorite song? I could pick a favorite album, but I don’t know about song. I like a lot of songs from movies, so pretty much anything from Guardians of the Galaxy(1 or 2)

What is your favorite movie?

Currently it’s Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, but I also have always loved Enchanted.

When people are told to guess a number between 1 and 10, which do you think is the most common answer?


Do you have a bad habit? If so, what?

I can’t really think of anything too bad. I mean, I probably waste too much time and don’t drink enough water though.

Soft Pretzels or Hard Pretzels?

I prefer soft. Auntie Anne’s is the best.

Would you rather own a fish or a snake?

A fish. Snakes have always spooked me out.

What is something you know how to do that you could teach?

Um, I feel like I would like to teach about reading/blogging, but I might not be that good at it. I might could teach someone how to crochet.

If you could be famous for 1 thing, what would it be?

Writing or Blogging.

What are the 3 most important qualities in a friend?

Loyalty, Sensitivity, and Kindness.

11 facts about Diamond

  1. I have filled up almost just about 12 books with my writings.
  2. I have three adorable dogs, including Rocket the Chiweenie puppy, Poco the Havanese(the mother of Chap), and Chap the Shih Tzu mix.
  3. Even though I don’t live in Florida, I’m always in and out, so it’s basically my second home.
  4. I’ve been blogging for almost five years.
  5. I have quite the extensive DVD collection(though there are still a few I’d like to buy)
  6. Laundry is actually something I don’t mind doing.
  7. I prefer watching basketball to football.
  8. I have over 50 Disney tees. Like not even exaggerating(I get most of them fairly cheap)
  9. My most prized possession is a blanket from Uniqlo(sooo soft!)
  10. I’m a huge Marvel fan who cannot wait for Endgame.
  11. I love to travel. Seriously, I would travel every day if I could.

Okay, so I nominate:

Liberty @ https://freedomchild588367296.wordpress.com/

Ariana @ https://arianasflyinglife.wordpress.com/

Natalie @ https://theamericangirlspot.com/

Emmie @ https://americangirlworld.blog/

Gracie @ https://smileandcraftag.wordpress.com/

Bekah @ https://questionabletortoisecouture.com/

Carlye @ https://silverfoxstudiosorg.wordpress.com/

Eden @ https://agswondrousworld.wordpress.com/

Honestly, these were all the people who I could think of who weren’t nominated recently, so I’m only going to nominate eight.

Your Questions are:

  1. What is your favorite series of movies?
  2. Do you have any pets? What are their names and breeds?
  3. What is one of your hobbies that you feel you could turn into a business?
  4. Do you always see yourself blogging, or do you not see it as a lifetime hobby?
  5. What is a book that you recommend everyone to read?
  6. How many notebooks do you estimate you’ve filled up in your lifetime?
  7. Do you like stuffed animals?
  8. Are you a sentimental person, or do you part with possessions easily?
  9. Do you prefer to turn the heat up or bundle up?
  10. Ice cream or cake?
  11. What is the ideal birthday party for you?

Bye everyone! I hope you enjoyed this post, and I will try to catch up on reading y’all’s blogs soon!

P.S. I also have a survey on https://buildabearsfurever.wordpress.com/2019/01/03/travel-thursday-bab-takeover-week-january-2019/ If you’re reading this post and have yet to take the survey, I’d appreciate it if you could do so(but no pressure of course)

10 thoughts on “Bullet Journal? (Trying New Things Tuesday ~ BAB Takeover Week January 2019) + Liebester Award, amongst other things

  1. Thanks for nominating me! I’ll try to figure out how this works as I go.


    Don’t feel bad, I took a long unplanned blogging break, and then when I restarted back up (yesterday) I decided to change everything. (Mostly cause I had to, the old theme was broken)

    Also my Mom LOVES planners.

    And I love the year in pixles! I should do that! (starting in February)

    I had I journal, but I only filed two pages, and never got back to it. Thanks for inspiring me to get back on it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, you’ll catch on. All you do is follow the rules of the award!
      I only missed a couple posts, so I’m considering myself caught up now.
      Thanks! I saw someone that started their year in pixels in April(they just did April through March of the next year, but you could also do February through December, or however you choose to do it)
      No problem! I hope you enjoy journaling as much as I now do! One tip I have is to not beat yourself up if you miss a day if you need to.

      Liked by 1 person

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