The Speed Dating Fiasco – BAB Appreciation Days feat. Bella

Hey guys! Today it’s the second ever Build a Bear Appreciation Days post! (will be called BABAD from now on…) So, as mentioned, there will be 1-2 BABAD posts per month on the 2nd and 4th Sunday. Well, luckily this month we are able to do two! The first one was really fun to make, and I think you guys liked it as well.

For the 4th Sundays, I’ll be choosing a name out of a hat. Today, that just so happens to be Bella. For the 2nd Sundays, however, you guys will be voting on the bears! However, due to some big plans in December, voting is closed. January is also closed, so come back in January to vote! Onto the story! (story idea courtesy of my mom 🙂

Bella and Cokie were out shopping. Cokie was one of Bella’s very best friends. They were having a grand time, chatting and browsing the window displays at the nearest mall.

All of a sudden, Cokie became distracted by a sign.

“What is it?” Bella inquired.

“Speed dating!” Cokie gasped. “We should totally go!”

“I don’t know,” Bella replied. “That’s not really my thing, and I would have to find a babysitter.”

“Oh come on!” Cokie cried. “Your sister would love to have the kids. You know she’d do it.”

“Fine,” Bella reluctantly agreed.

All dressed up, Bella arrived at the speed dating venue. After a quick hello to Cokie, she took her seat.

Bella was soon seated with the first guy.

“Hi, I’m Bella,” she mumbled.

“Hello Bella! I am Maple Syrup, and I am a doctor!” he boldy announced.

“Oh, uh, that’s nice. I’m a nurse practioner, which hospital do you work at?” she asked.

“Hmph!” Maple Syrup sighed. “I don’t like it when women are just as smart as me.”

Bella awkardly smiled, and quickly moved on to the next guy.

The second guy Bella talked to was a little more normal. They had a typical conversation.

The third guy was a little different…

“I am Kylo Ren,” he breathed.

“Well, that’s nice,” Bella noted. “I like Star Wars too. I even have a Leia costume.”

“This is not a costume!” Kylo Ren shouted. “I am actually Kylo Ren!”

Bella inched away. “That’s nice.”

She was not enjoying speed dating so far.

“Hello Miss! I am Mister Poopypants!”

Bella laughed. “I know that’s you Mischief.”

“But I have such a great disguise!” Mischief retorted.

Bella laughed again. “I think I can see past a fake mustache and recognize my own kid.”

“Did you meet anyone?” Mischief asked.

“Nope,” Bella replied. “But that’s okay. I’ve got everyone I need already in my life. I love you.”

Mischief gave his adoptive mother a huge hug. “I love you too,” he replied.

I hope you enjoyed! Also, I’ve updated all the pages a little, so make sure to check them out! I added the ability to comment, so make sure to join in on the conversation!

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