DIY Fall Foods || Thanksgiving Week

Hello friends! I’m so excited to kick off Thanksgiving week! I was going to do a 7 day week, but seeing as I decided to do the 31 Days of Christmas, I thought a 5 day week would be a better use of my time. But, I think you guys are going to love all five posts!

Today, we’re getting ready for Thanksgiving itself! It’s time to make some food!

I’m probably going to start making the food for my family today. But that’s not what you came here for! You guys want to see stuffie foods!

I chose a few essential Thanksgiving dishes to craft today. Let’s get started!


Firstly, I scoured through my grocery ad to see what I could use.


I cut out everything that was green, do you want to guess what I’m making? Green beans!

Anyway, since this is for the bears, I just cut out every green vegetable. *don’t tell them!*

They wouldn’t like to find that out. As far as they’re concerned, it’s all green beans.


I just cut them all into little rectangles and boom! A little dish of green beans.


I thought this pineapple was a good color for the dressing. And you can’t have Thanksgiving without dressing!

Actually…now that I think about it, pineapple sounds good in dressing. Maybe like dried pineapple or something? Maybe I’m just being weird, but I’d totally try that.


I also cut this into strips.


Then I carefully crumpled up the strips and strategically placed them around the turkey.


Then, I decided that the dressing needed more color, so I added some of this yellow strip.


It’s not perfect, but I think it’s still cute.


Next, we’re going to make some potatoes. I saw this on I thinkkkkkkkkkkk MyFroggyStuff a long time ago. You’re going to need, you guessed it…toilet paper.


You are going to stuff a dish with toilet paper. I recommend using a washable dish. I’m using this one that is a human food dish, but it’s so small! My mom said that we definitely didn’t need it in the kitchen, but hello BAB house! It’s a great size for them.


I brushed a yellow marker along the top. This will give it a buttery look.

Here comes the magic part…it doesn’t exactly look like potatoes yet, does it? In just one step, it will look like potatoes!


Add some water! You’ll want to be somewhat careful. I added too much water, but that’s alright. I ended up adding some more toilet paper to even it out. And, I have a few days before I’m taking the Thanksgiving photos, so it’ll dry up a little.


I ripped it up a little to make it look a bit more like potatoes. I’m pretty happy with the result! I also transferred it to a smaller container.

Cali can’t WAIT to dig in!


I saved the best for last…dessert! You’ll need cardboard. I just used a box.


You’ll need something round to trace-have you guessed what we’re making yet?



You’ll need three circles. You’ll also need a marker now! Orange for pumpkin, and brown for pecan.


I drew little pecans on mine! Don’t worry about the edge. It’ll get covered.


Now, you’re going to need foil and glue.


Cut a square a bit bigger than the circles.


Wrap the foil around the two pieces of cardboard that aren’t pecan-y.


Then you’re going to take a circle of foil to wrap around the pecan circle.


Next, you’re going to glue the two pieces together. Ta-da! The pecan pie is done! Looks yummy…

I hope you enjoyed seeing how to make these Thanksgiving foods! If you make any of these yourself, please send a photo to worldofagdollsblog(at)gmail(dot)com! I’d love to see it.

Thanksgiving schedule

Also, if you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to come back tomorrow for another episode of our sitcom, Skipping Stones!

10 thoughts on “DIY Fall Foods || Thanksgiving Week

  1. Diamond: As far as they’re concerned, it’s all green beans.

    Build a bear eats one of the “green beans”: Hmm why does my green bean taste like a cucumber?


    but, oh my goodness, Dimond, THESE ARE SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!!!! *heart eyes* Those mashed potatoes nearly look like the real thing. *mind is blown* AND I LOVE THE PIE!!!! And I’m totally amazed at how well you drew the peacans. If it was me, they’d end up looking like lopsided circles. XD LOVED the DIY and can’t wait for the rest of the Thanksgiving week posts!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. XD…they’ll never know…

      Thank you so much!
      Ahhh, thanks! It’s really not that hard. Mine are pretty lopsided, but that’s okay! XD
      Yessssssss, you’re gonna love tomorrow’s post 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ok, I would try pineapple dressing! 😍
    I won’t tell the bears about their faux green beans, don’t worry 😌😂
    Oh my gosh! The mashed potatoes turned out amazing!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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